Thursday, May 29, 2014

Feminism Will Cost You Your Closest Friends.

Today I find myself shocked and at a loss for words.

A friend of almost 20 years has cut off contact with me and blocked me via Facebook.

Sorry, page not found.

What nuclear fallout could have caused such a thing? Surely there must have been some sort of massive argument! Your humble writer must have certainly slept with the man's woman or stolen money or his car or condemned him in some unforgivable way.. .right? .... I mean... RIGHT??!?!?!

No, friends. Sadly this tale has no such easy and neat bow to tie upon a package of woe and distress. Instead, this long and storied friendship finds it's pieces shattered upon that most unholy and biased of comradery breakers: feminism.

A little history: My long time friend, one which I had grown through my formative years with, seen go through relationships, abortions, marriages, and worked my very first jobs with, this same man had moved to the city of "weird": Austin.

During this time he had seen ups and downs, had children, been divorced, found new career opportunities. Through all of this we had stayed in touch. Though we attended different colleges, though he fathered children out of wedlock with a woman I knew was wrong for him, though he had bounced around quite a bit in his life, we had stayed in touch. That is, until now.

The precursor to the discussion that would untie our friendship was one about supposed "rape culture" in America. He posted the White House PSA on  rape and how it is everyone's responsibility to stop it.

I addressed the PSA, calling it useless as men and women know that rape is wrong and that a PSA is going to do little if anything to stop rape (which is on the downtrend). What would be more useful, I contended, was teaching men and women how to avoid situations where they put themselves at a higher risk for rape. I likened an owner of a sports car leaving it unlocked in a crime ridden neighborhood and that car being stolen.

Should that happen? NO! Should the person that stole the car be punished? Yes! Could the owner of the car have lessened the chances of their car being stolen? OF COURSE!!

I was met with rage and straw men arguments from not only female defenders of the PSA but my very own friend! "Women are not cars!" they volleyed with logical fallacy at my castle of logic. "Being approached by men when it's unwanted in a bar is rape culture" they illogically opined. "I'm sad to see that you are so backwards thinking" my friend lamented.

I even offered up an article by the largest organization and defender of rape victims that America does not have a "rape culture" and that to use that term is not helpful and that men are raped just as much as women, but that narrative is buried. The response? Denial or silence.

I let it go after laying the truth before the court. Sometimes one must simply speak the truth and walk away, for not all will have ears to hear or eyes to see, instead blinding themselves with a more comfortable reality they can wrap around themselves like an old and familiar blanket.

I gave it time. I gave it space.
My friend posted an article about the recent murders by Elliot Rodgers and how it was misogynistic etc etc and how male privileged society was mostly to blame for the killings.

Despite Rodgers distaste for other men and the pedestal upon which he placed women.
Despite the fact that Rodgers killed more men than women.
Despite the reasons he himself gave and background of abuse and neglect by his step-mother and father that he painted in his manifesto.

I supplied a link for my friend to watch. A video by Stefan Molyneaux that broke down Rodger's manifesto bit by bit with excellent analysis and conclusions drawn about why Rodgers turned out the way he did.

Yes, it's a long video. But I believe, contrasted with blurbs and 300 word articles about the incident, if one truly cares about what happened and the reasons behind it, then it's a short amount of time to dedicate to understanding the murderer behind the massacre.

My friend responded with (paraphrased) "That's too long for me to devote my time to. Can you summarize?".

I responded that I could not and that such a subject requires time and analysis to understand what could have driven a person to commit such acts.

The response was a frustrated (again paraphrased) "I'm not interested in why someone thinks he might have done it. It's simple. This sort of thing cannot be condoned by society."

I responded with "Yes, society condones murder (sarcasm). Why even post this if you aren't interested in discussion or the truth?"

The result? Blocked on Facebook and no response via cell phone.

The telltale signs:

Beyond my friend's recent pro-feminism FB posts and responses he had also been hanging out with several unattractive, obese, short haired feminists.. even *dating* one of them.

Why is any of that significant? Because the majority of vocal feminists fit into the above categories. I'm not making that up. Google feminist bloggers or writers and the majority will fill one (if not more) of those characteristics.

What's to be learned from this?

Well, what did my friend gain? He is a fairly attractive, successful, and in shape man. He has now alienated a friend of almost two decades that would have sacrificed time and money to help him in times of need (and has) for a set of women that do not value men in their lives, that speak with hate against men in their words, and feel that the world is stacked against them even as they ignore the nature of humanity and do nothing to better themselves.

Beware friends. Do not let this happen to you. Acknowledge that men and women are inherently different and that it is a GOOD thing. Be open to debate with tried and true friends and above all, don't ask questions you are not genuinely ready to hear answers to.

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